中国日报网以《Tianjin university students spread word of scholarships for impoverished students》为题对我校做了报道


202196日,中国日报网以《Tianjin university students spread word of scholarships for impoverished students》为题对我校做了报道。现将全文转发如下,以飨读者。


Tianjin university students spread word of scholarships for impoverished students


During this year’s summer holiday, about 60 scholarship winners from Tiangong University were busy serving as funding publicity couriers to promote national scholarship programs for impoverished students.

Most of these students went back to their hometowns to introduce other students to the subsidy programs. They explained the application qualifications and the kinds of relief and benefits they provide. They also shared personal stories about how they were able to pursue their academic dreams with the help of these national subsidy programs.

Their aim was to rid students of the worries they might have about possible economic burdens that could prevent them from pursuing higher education.

As a beneficiary of the national funding policy, I sincerely thank the country and school for their care. I am honored to be able to explain the state funding programs to students in my hometown,” said Zhong Yutong, a student at the university’s School of Environmental Science and Engineering. “I found our lectures to be useful for many high school students. I shared my own learning experience at university. The enthusiasm and enthusiasm everyone showed has had a big impression on me.”

Since last year, over 200 national scholarship beneficiaries from the university have helped to promote the scholarships, reaching over 2,000 students in multiple provinces and cities, including Gansu, Guizhou, Shandong, Shanxi, Zhejiang, and Henan provinces.


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